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  • kendallguthrie

For antiracism work, better to be Good-ish than good

White friends: How can each STEP UP OUR #ANTIRACISM efforts? Being a "believer" is not enough. Become an anti-racist builder.

But how, you ask? I’m finding loads of great practical ideas from Dolly Chugh in The Person You Mean to Be.

Step One: Abandon the concept of being a "good person.” Focus on becoming a “GOOD-ish person.” Worrying about being a good person leads to playing it safe, because you are worried some person or action will labeled as wrong – showing you up as a “bad person.”

In contrast, a GOOD-ish person recognizes their biases and is trying to be better. They embrace mistakes as fuel for improvement. That's something we can all be -- right now.

This book is especially suited for people influenced by data and logic. Chugh lays out the social psychology research underlying implicit bias with a rare combo of rigor and warmth.

Gratitude to friend and colleague Aparna Rae, an inspiring and tireless DEI changemaker, for this recommending this book (as well as Caste, which lays out the sociology of structural racism.)

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